Sunday, March 19, 2006

Board Room to Red Boots

Last Sunday I flew "red eye" to Charlotte, NC to serve for the last time on the SIM Board of Directors. I had been invited to serve as a missionary on home assigment for the past year. Wenedsday morning at 1:00 I was back in Bakersfield. By 4:30 am I was in my truck on my way to work, where I spray weeds with a solution of various chemicals and a red marker dye. It's impossible to work without dying your boots a pinkish red.

This Friday I will join James, our youngest son, and my dad on a trip to th "La Purisma" mission along the California Camino Real. Then Saturday, I will go snake hunting with my son Denny and some snake collectors looking for Rosey Boas and a certain species of California King Snake.

Besides these exciting events I will be continuing on the more mundane task of reformating some Guarani Bible Study materials, practicing Guarani, and spraying weeds.

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