Sunday, November 09, 2003

God's Word

A priest in our area told his followers that the
only reason people come to the Bible study at our
house, is because we give out money. This has
had two contrasting results. Some people don't
come to the Bible study because they are cynical
about missionaries who just give out money to
gain followers. And some people come to the
study because they just want money.

We don't give out money, but are charitable in
other ways. It is however, these kinds of
misconceptions that we come up against, and the
very reason we spend so much time developing
relationships with those in our communittee.

As our friendships grow with our neighbors, they
become our advocates before those who say things
that aren't true. These same friends are more
open to God's Word because they see that we
speak the truth and then walk it out in front of