Rolf is a German baker, who was won to the Lord
by the patient discipleship of our former
co-worker Mark Johnson in Villarrica.
Last year when Rolf heard that we needed a place
for our next youth camp he volunteered His
property as the site. He has a small farm where
he used to raise cattle and raises pigs and runs
his bakery now. When we agreed to use his
property, he went into "high gear".
He tore down the infrastructure of his milk barn
to make a dining area. He emptied his feed
mill and storage area to make a place for the
girls to sleep. He felled a 20 foot pine tree to
use as the center post for a huge 45 foot in
diameter building with a thatched roof which
would serve as the main meeting room.
He built bathrooms, installed showers, and lit
the area completely with florescent lights.
Except for about 80 dollars, all the expenses
were paid for out of his pocket.
Everytime I would see Rolf, I would tell him he
didn't need to spend so much to improve the
property. He always answered the same way.
With a broad smile and a "bear hug" he would say
he loved to do these things and if just one
young person came to know the Lord at camp it
would all be worth it.
Rolf knows the joy of selfless giving.